Involve Your Business

Involve your business icon

Involve your Business

There are a number of ways your business can get involved with Surf Life Saving New Zealand.

Big or small, the size of your organisation doesn’t matter. Your contribution can make a real difference.

An added benefit is donating to and supporting Surf Life Saving New Zealand can also help motivate your staff and provide greater meaning and purpose in their lives. It can help shape the culture of your organisation and your teams.

Match Your Employee Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving enables employees to donate money to Surf Life Saving New Zealand through their company’s payroll.

Employees nominate any amount they wish and will receive 33.33 cents for each dollar donated as credit towards their PAYE. As a business “leading by example”, you can match your employees’ donations dollar for dollar.

Matched donations are also tax deductible for your business.

If you would like to start payroll giving in your organisation, please discuss with your payroll administrator who can email for more information.

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Fundraise With Events, Golf days, Morning Teas or Themed Mufti Days

Through team fundraising events you and your colleagues can make a real difference, foster a positive team culture and create lasting memories all in aid of reducing the fatal drowning toll and keeping kiwis safe on New Zealand’s beaches and coastline. Make sure you take picture of your fundraising event and share them with us.

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Provide a Rebate on Sales of Your Products/Services

Together with your customers, create a feel good factor and  support Surf Life Saving NZ by donating proceeds from the sale of your goods or services.

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Corporate Donations

If your organisation just wants to support SLSNZ, a corporate donation is greatly appreciated. You can opt to make a one-off donation or become a regular giver. Your donation is also tax deductible!

Surf Lifeguard

Donate Your Products or Services

If you have products or services that you would like to donate to Surf Life Saving NZ, please get in touch at

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Create a Corporate Partnership

If you are keen to explore the opportunity of joining our long-term partners as a major, gold, silver or bronze partner, please contact our Head of Commercial & Marketing at or read more here.

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