Surf Life Saving New Zealand (SLSNZ) is committed to clean sport and rejects cheating through the use of prohibited substances and methods. Clean athletes follow the anti-doping rules, know the health risks of doping, and understand the importance of the testing regime to deter and detect doping, and protect clean athletes.
SLSNZ has adopted New Zealand’s Sports Anti-Doping Rules (the Rules), which means that these Rules apply to all [NSO] members, regardless of your role or the level at which you compete.
SLSNZ works in partnership with Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ) to support athletes to compete clean, providing education material and resources available to help you understand your anti-doping rights and responsibilities:
"Our mission is to work with the Surf Life Saving community to ensure sport at all levels is clean and drug free".
Key Information Links:
- Drug Free Sport New Zealand
- E-Learning
- Medication Check
- Supplement Decision Making Guide
- World Anti Doping Authority Prohibited List
- More information on drugs, suspicious doping, medications, Education and Contacts: Chick here