Nominations announced for 2021-22 Surf Life Saving New Zealand National Awards of Excellence
Monday, 19 September 2022Dedicated volunteer Surf Lifeguards, officials, instructors, coaches and athletes have been nominated for this year’s Surf Life Saving New Zealand (SLSNZ) National Awards of Excellence.
SLSNZ Chief Executive, Paul Dalton, says the charity’s volunteer Surf Lifeguards saved 726 lives and assisted 1,528 people to safety in the 2021-22 season.
“I’d like to give a massive thanks to all our volunteers for devoting their time and energy to keep people safe at our beaches, despite the often-challenging conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.”
He adds, “The National Awards of Excellence are an opportunity for us to acknowledge and honour the hard work, dedication and outstanding achievements that have taken place over the course of the year.”
Lifeguards from across Aotearoa New Zealand have been nominated for this year’s awards. To view the digital flip book with the full list of nominees, click HERE.
The SLSNZ Awards of Excellence are held every year in each SLSNZ region to recognise and celebrate the many club members putting in considerable time, effort and skills at a grass-roots level to make sure Kiwis who head to the beach get home safe.
The regional awards culminate in the National Awards of Excellence which will be held on September 17th.
The 2021-22 SLSNZ National Awards of Excellence winners will be announced on the SLSNZ Facebook page throughout the weekend of September 17 & 18.
National Awards of Excellence 2021-22 Nominees
NZ Lottery Grants Board Lifeguard of the Year:
- Northern - Dan Short (UNP/Mairangi)
- Coro - Dominic Sutton (Whangamata)
- BoP - Boyd Harris (Pukehina)
- Gisborne - Ana Naden (Waikanae)
- Hawkes Bay - Temepara Reihana, (Westshore)
- Taranaki - Macy Sinclair, (Opunake)
- Capital Coast - Jago Dellow (Paekakariki)
- Canterbury - Zeke De Gouw (Spencer Park)
- Otago - Gabby Trotter (Brighton)
DHL Volunteer of the Year:
- Northern - Harry Mellor
- Coro - Kevin Thorburn (Onemana)
- BoP - Mereheni Meads (Maketu)
- Gisborne - Dion Williams (Wainui)
- Hawkes Bay - Harry Machiela, (Pacific)
- Taranaki - Darren James, (Fitzroy)
- Capital Coast - Adam Radich (Foxton)
- Canterbury - Dean Le Warne (North Beach)
- Otago - Scott Crosbie (Oreti)
Patrol Support of the Year:
- Northern - Grace Crimmins (United North Piha)
- Coro - Sharlene Manukau (Waihi Beach)
- BoP - Caroline Bird (Mt Maunganui)
- Gisborne - Anna Briant (Waikanae)
- Hawkes Bay - Cushla McLaren, (Waimarama)
- Taranaki - N/A
- Capital Coast - Craig Parker (Titahi Bay)
- Canterbury - Peter Drake (Waikuku)
- Otago - Dave Bourke (St Kilda)
TSB Coach of the Year:
- Northern - Shane Edwards (Sunset)
- BoP/Coro - Katrina Madill (Mt Maunganui)
- Gisborne - Arna Majstrovic (Waikanae)
- Hawkes Bay - Rhys Harman, (Waimarama)
- Taranaki - Carl Barnes, (Fitzroy)
- Capital Coast - Rhys Speirs (Maranui)
- Canterbury - Daryl Poulsen (Spencer Park)
- Otago - Peter Gibbons & Nic Bryce (St Kilda)
bp Rescue of the Year:
- Winter/November - Muriwai VLS
- January - Pauanui SLSC
- March - Muriwai VLS
- February - Piha SLSC
- December - Raglan SLSC
DHL Instructor of the Year:
- Northern - Mark Johnston (Orewa)
- Coro - Brianna Norris (Whangamata)
- BoP - Ryan Hohneck (Papamoa)
- Gisborne - Sonia Keepa (Wainui)
- Hawkes Bay - Oliver Parvin, (Waimarama)
- Taranaki - Ashleigh Hurring, (Fitzroy)
- Capital Coast - Mike Taylor (Riversdale)
- Canterbury - Brendon Ferguson (Rarangi)
- Otago - Hannah Williams (St Clair)
DHL Innovation of the Year:
- IRB Trailers – Dean Maddaford (Bethells Beach SLSP)
- Mauao Markers – John Svendsen (Mt Maunganui LS)
- Viewing Platform – Tony Pattison (Waimarama SLSC)
- IRB Road Trailer Concept – Darrell Gainsford (North Beach SLSC)
- AI RIP Detection – Charlotte Becconsall-Ryan (Warrington SLSC)
TSB Official of the Year:
- Northern - Benny Larsen (Orewa)
- BoP/Coro - Caroline Bird (Mt Maunganui)
- Gisborne - Dion Williams (Wainui)
- Hawkes Bay - Natasha Brewer, (Westshore)
- Taranaki - Joanne Brimelow, (Fitzroy)
- Capital Coast - Glen Jones (Titahi Bay)
- Canterbury - Craig Todd (Sumner)
- Otago - Mark Familton (Warrington)
bp Media Award:
- Newshub Live - Surf lifesavers have clear message for New Zealanders hitting the beach this summer
- TVNZ Breakfast - Day in the Life of a Surf Lifeguard
- Newshub AM Show - Report reveals 60 pct of Kiwis can't identify a rip as NZ records worst summer for drownings in 40 years
- TVNZ Seven Sharp - How to survive if you get caught in a rip
- Newshub Live - Wāhine on Water aiming for better equality among lifeguards driving inflatable rescue boats
- Stuff - Lifeguard of the year wants more women in leadership roles on the waves