DHL and Surf Life Saving to use the power of Emoji to deliver safer beaches this summer
Wednesday, 10 February 2016Every summer, thousands of people visit Kiwi beaches and keenly share their experiences on social networks with Mount Maunganui, Takapuna Beach and Piha being the second, fifth and seventh most Instagrammed locations respectively in the country.
DHL is set to harness this trend for social good by using the
world's fastest growing language - Emoji - to remind New Zealanders
of the importance of swimming between the red and yellow flags this
DHL is calling on beachgoers to update their social media status
with the swimmer emoji between two flags together with the hashtag
#DHLSaferBeaches throughout summer.
DHL will donate $1 to Surf Life Saving New Zealand (SLSNZ) for every social media status update containing the designated emoji and hashtag. These social media users will also enter into the draw to win a $1,000 Prezzy card plus a $1,000 donation to a Surf Life Saving Club of their choice.
The summer campaign runs until 25 February and is fronted by SLSNZ ambassador, Jamie McDell, who said: "Beach safety is extremely close to my heart and I love exploring our awesome coastline. I grew up holidaying at Pauanui and as a volunteer lifeguard, I'm constantly encouraging people to stay alert at the beach and understand the dangers that exist.
"The costs to train a volunteer lifeguard and to supply all of the necessary beach and lifesaving equipment are significant. I hope beachgoers can get behind us to raise awareness and funds for Surf Life Saving simply by instagramming themselves at the beach and using the swimmer emoji and hashtag."
Jamie McDell will be visiting Piha on 13 February and Mount
Maunganui on 20 February to raise awareness for Surf Life
Mark Foy, DHL Express New Zealand Country Manager added: "We're
proud to help deliver safer beaches via our longstanding
partnership with Surf Life Saving New Zealand. Members of SLSNZ
performed more than 400,000 preventative actions and saved 1,328
lives last season, staggering statistics that highlight the crucial
role lifeguards play in keeping our beaches safe.
"With this campaign our aim is to continue spreading the word and encourage all beachgoers to follow SLSNZ's guidance to always swim between the red and yellow flags at one of the 80 patrolled beaches around the country."
For more information, please contact:
Lisa Smith, Media & Communications Specialist,
Phone 09 303 9335 or 0276 488 823