
Future direction of surf sports – have your say!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

The Surf Sports Blue Sky Review project is underway. The purpose of the project is to develop a member directed strategy for surf sports in New Zealand for the next five years. The first stage of this project is to establish the appetite for change from members and other stakeholders. This will be done via online surveys.

You can find the following information for the Surf Sports Blue Sky Review project here:

1. Updated Terms of Reference
2. A brief overview document
3. A statistical data analysis document

We encourage you to read the overview and statistical data analysis documents before completing the survey. The link to the survey for Surf Life Saving members is:

Please note: the deadline for completing this survey is 8am on Tuesday June 3. Only fill out the survey once.

The findings from Stage 1 will determine the level of change required and what will be in/out of scope for Stage 2. While all the responses to these surveys will remain confidential, the overall results will be shared with the membership in early June.

We encourage you and everyone you know in the Surf Life Saving community to have their say on the future direction of surf sports. The information collected from all stakeholders will form a member-developed strategy for surf sports for the next five years.

Everyone involved in Surf Life Saving should contribute, whether they are currently involved in surf sports or not. Any changes to the way surf sports are delivered will impact other areas of Surf Life Saving. Everyone needs to have a say so we receive strong guidance that is representative of the entire Surf Life Saving community.

Please contact Blue Sky Review Project Manager Nick Gutzewitz if you have any queries, require further information or have any issues completing the survey online. Email or phone 027-240-2715.

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Honeybone, Media & Communications Specialist, SLSNZ
Phone 09 303 9335 or 0276 488 823