Wainui SLSC

Wainui SLSC - Cap



11 Moana Road
Gisborne 4010


PO Box 426
Gisborne 4040

Club Overview

Wainui is Gisborne’s oldest dedicated surf lifesaving club, formed in 1937, they are proud to continue the underlying values established all those years ago. Their values: community service, volunteering, participation, development, team work, family, respect, responsibility, safety and high standards.

2020: Gisborne/Tairawhiti Awards of Excellence - Patrol Club of the year and Club of the Year
2021 & 2022 Gisborne/Tairawhiti Awards of Excellence - Patrol Club of the Year and Club of the Year (2022 Patrol Club OTY along with Waikanae SLSC)

Patrol Hours

Wainui is patrolled each weekend by volunteer lifeguards throughout the summer months from December until March. During the December and January period, paid lifeguards watch over the beach during the weekdays, ensuring beach users are safe. Whilst on patrol, we set the red and yellow flags to surround the safest area on the beach. If necessary, we move these flags as the beach conditions change.