Consultation Process

How do we consult?

SLSNZ Decision Making / Consultation Process

Outcomes being sought

  • Better decision making.
  • A transparent consultation process with reasonable timeframes and advance notice on any significant SLSNZ policy changes or decisions that affect Club operations or finances and/or large sections of the membership.
  • Early and transparent advice about our decision making process on issues.
  • Without constraining our decision-making powers or obligations under its constitution, we will follow a decision making process that includes consultation appropriate to the decisions being made and how the decision/s may affect members and Clubs.

Process to start with a Prioritised Work Plan

We will identify the areas/initiatives being considered for early engagement and effective consultation with the membership well in advance of decisions being made.  We will also develop a ‘living’ Workplan Priorities document that has flexibility to respond to urgent issues/ opportunities.

Each initiative/project will have a sensitivity analysis covering aspects such as:

  • What is the topic/initiative?
  • Why is it being looked at?
  • What is the origin? (e.g. member, local committee, incident, law change)?
  • What is the scope/ potential impact on Members, Clubs and SLSNZ? (# see comment below)
  • What is the outcome being sought?
  • Who is the ultimate decision maker?
  • What are the timings for looking at it, decisions and implementation?
  • What decision making/consultation process will be used?


The historical policy/strategy review and change cycle has been to undertake post-season reviews in April/ May/ June, with any policy or procedural changes decided in July/ August for implementation before the season starts in October.

This approach doesn’t work well for major changes/ reform as clubs or SLSNZ have little time available for implementation.

To avoid this problem for “amber/ red category ” matters in particular, SLSNZ will change this approach. This may mean looking at options to begin the internal review processes forward to start before the end of the season (Feb/March) and/ or delay the decision making to allow time for the appropriate consultation process. This will need to be assessed on a case by case basis as it is subject to whether urgency on the topic is required.

Consultation Process

Below is an explanation of the three categories:

Sensitivity Analysis


Green Gategory

  • Change is expected to be viewed as having neutral or positive effect.
  • Clubs will not need to manage the change.
  • Can be implemented easily.
  • Will not add cost to clubs/ members or costs will be minor.



No consultation

  • SLSNZ make the decision on its own or with the advice of advisory groups (e.g. NLC, NSC), member surveys, expert groups or other stakeholders and then advise clubs/ members.


Yellow Category

  • Risk that some clubs or sections of the movement will view themselves as negatively impacted.
  • Clubs will need to be involved in managing the change.
  • Will take some effort and resources for clubs to implement.
  • Will add more than minor additional costs to clubs/ members.

Single stage consultation

  • ‘This is what we are thinking of doing – do you agree?’ 
  • SLSNZ to take into account feedback when making the decision, and then advise clubs/ members.


Red Category

  • Expectation that majority of clubs or large sections of the movement will have significant interest in topic and/or see themselves as negatively impacted.
  • Clubs will need to be heavily involved in managing the change.
  • Will take considerable effort and resources from the clubs to implement.
  • If potential decision outcomes implemented (quickly) they could create problems for clubs.
  • Will add significant financial cost to clubs/ members.

Two stage consultation

  • Stage 1: ‘This is what we are thinking about – what are your views?’
  • Stage 2: ‘This is the feedback we received from you. On this basis this is what are planning to do – do you agree?’
  • SLSNZ to take into account feedback when making the decision, and then advise clubs/ members.