Taranaki - Opunake Junior Carnival
Event Details
Event Contact:
Aimee Leigh
Tel: 0274277068
Email: aimee.leigh@surflifesaving.org.nz
Opunake SLSC Junior Carnival – March 10th 2024
EVENT Coordinator/Organiser: Claire Hunn
Event Manager: Aimee Leigh
EVENT REFEREE – Darren James
EVENT SAFETY: Macy Sinclair
Entries: ONLINE through SLSNZ Waves
High Tide: 10:30am
Carnival Start
10:00am Officials briefing in clubhouse
10:15am Team Manager briefing for all clubs in clubhouse
10:30am Event start
-At conclusion of normal schedule, a modified Grand Cameron Relay will be held (see notes)
-On completion of Grand Cameron a wharf swim race or wharf paddle race will take (see notes)
Cadets (under 14 and 13)
Surf race - Water Arena 1
Board race - Water Arena 1
Diamond race - Water Arena 1
Flags - Flag Arena 1
Sprints - Sprint Arena
Rookies (under 12 and 11)
Surf Race - Water Arena 2
Board race - Water Arena 2
Diamond race - Water Arena 2
Sprints - Sprint Arena
Flags - Flags Arena 2
Nipper 10’s (under 10)
Sprints - Sprint Arena
Surf race - Water Arena 2
Board race - Water Arena 2
Diamond race - Water Arena 2
Run wade run - Water Arena 3 (unbadged)
Boogie Board race - Water arena 3 (unbadged)
Boogie Board Diamond - Water arena 3 (unbadged)
Flags - Flags Arena 1 /2
***Must be badged to take part in surf race/board race/diamond.
Nippers (under 9 and 8)
Sprints - Sprint Arena
Run wade run - Water Arena 3
Boogie board race - Water Arena 3
Boogie Board diamond - Water Arena 3
Flags - Flags Arena 1 /2
- Club Responsibilities for arenas - TBA at managers meeting -
- Nip Nips mini carnival will be run by Opunake lifeguards, starting 11am, meet on grass in front of clubhouse
- High tide expected to take up much of the beach, we hope sprint track will be not affected, however we expect to not be able to set up flag pits till approx. 11am. If this is the case, will be all hands on deck for set up (great opportunity to teach parents how to do it!)
If we can get them set up early, U10s, U9s & U8s will go directly to flag pits after sprints.
- Opportunity for anyone interested in becoming an official for next season to shadow an existing official at this carnival – nice relaxed intro! Please bring along them along to officials briefing at 10am in clubhouse
- Modified Grand Cameron Relay – bit of fun to include all kids!
Teams to consist of 6 kids – 3 male/3 female – 3 from U8 to U10 age groups, 3 from U11 – U14 age groups.
Course as follows:
Team Member 1: Run 200m U8-10
TM2: Run wade run U8-10
TM3: Boogie Board race U8-10
TM4: Swim race U11-14
TM5: Board race U11-14
TM6 Run 200m U11-14
We will do entries on the line, suggest bring a vivid so you can write on the kids hand their team numbers!
- If conditions allow, either a wharf swim (fins allowed) or wharf paddle event will take place. If swim, participants will be transferred to the water by IRB for a water start.
If board participants will start on beach, paddle to buoy and back.
Participants must be entered online to ensure team managers think confidence & fitness levels are sufficient.