Canterbury - Introduction to Surf Coaching Course

Event Details

Sat 14 Oct 9:00AM
Southern - Canterbury

Event Contact:

Luke Smith

Tel: 021 190 1432


<div class="container-narrow"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h3>Overview </h3> <p>The Introduction to Surf Coaching Course provides an entry level coaching course for junior surf coaches,  parents and clubbies new to coaching at a junior surf level.  The course aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed to coach at Junior Surf  level at a Surf Life Saving Club.  It covers a range of Junior Surf activities with a special emphasis on a holistic coaching approach. </p> <p>The Introduction to Surf Coaching course is the first step on the Surf Life Saving New Zealand coaching pathway. Coaches interested in further developing their coaching skills can then progress to the Developing Surf Coach Course.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container-narrow"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <h3>Course Information </h3> <p><span>Pre requistes:</span>  Current member of a SLS club  | 14 years of age</p> <p><span>Course Cost:</span>  TBC</p> <p><span>Course Duration:</span>  One day </p> <p><span>Course Facilitator:</span>  Delivered by 1 trained and approved SLSNZ facilitator</p> <p><span>Who should attend:</span>  Any Surf Life Saving Club members interested in getting started in Junior Surf coaching or parent helpers of Junior Surf programmes. </p> <p><span>Participant requirements:</span>  To successfully complete the Introduction to Surf Coaching Course participants need to attend the full course and participate in its activities.</p> <p>Registrations: Administrators can register candidates via the SLSNZ Web Portal</p> </div> </div> </div> Junior Surf



The Introduction to Surf Coaching Course provides an entry level coaching course for junior surf coaches,  parents and clubbies new to coaching at a junior surf level.  The course aims to provide the knowledge and skills needed to coach at Junior Surf  level at a Surf Life Saving Club.  It covers a range of Junior Surf activities with a special emphasis on a holistic coaching approach. 

The Introduction to Surf Coaching course is the first step on the Surf Life Saving New Zealand coaching pathway. Coaches interested in further developing their coaching skills can then progress to the Developing Surf Coach Course.

Course Information 

Pre requistes:  Current member of a SLS club  | 14 years of age

Course Cost:  TBC

Course Duration:  One day 

Course Facilitator:  Delivered by 1 trained and approved SLSNZ facilitator

Who should attend:  Any Surf Life Saving Club members interested in getting started in Junior Surf coaching or parent helpers of Junior Surf programmes. 

Participant requirements:  To successfully complete the Introduction to Surf Coaching Course participants need to attend the full course and participate in its activities.

Registrations: Administrators can register candidates via the SLSNZ Web Portal


  1. Athlete centered coaching
  2. Skill progressions and modified games
  3. Events and rules for Junior Surf Athletes
  4. Communication in Junior Surf environment
  5. Management and effective coaching 
  6. Resources and Support


At the completion of this course coaches will be able to:

  1. Identify basic principles of coaching and how to apply these in a safe surf environment
  2. Run structured sessions where your athletes learn more and have fun
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of effective communication to children
  4. Describe how surf activities can be modified for Junior Surf athletes 
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of Junior Surf sports
  6. Identify how to provide a safe learning environment for a Junior Surf session
  7. Plan a Junior Surf session