Taranaki Crew Person Module

Event Details

Sat 9 Dec 9:00AM
Fitzroy SLSC, Central - Taranaki

Event Contact:

Aimee Leigh

Tel: 0274277068

Email: aimee.leigh@surflifesaving.org.nz

<p><strong>Course Overview</strong></p> <p>The IRB Crewpersons Module (IRBCM) is the starting point for education in the IRB. The IRBCM gives Surf Lifeguards the knowledge and skills required to respond as a crewperson in rescue situations utilising an IRB.</p> <p>The IRBCM is a prerequisite for the Senior Lifeguard Award - IRB Driver.</p> <p><strong>Course Information </strong></p> <p><u>Prerequisites</u>: 14 years of age | Surf Lifeguard Award (Refreshed) |  Current member of a SLS club <br /><u>Duration</u>: One day<br /><u>Delivered by</u>: Club instructors <br /><u>Who should complete it</u>: Anyone interested in crewing an IRB <br /><u>Candidate requirements</u>: </p> <ul> <li>Attend training day with the club instructor </li> <li>Successfully complete all components of the examination </li> </ul> <p><u>Online Pre-learning:</u> There is an optional IRB Crew person online pre-learning module available. This consist of 1 module:</p> <ol> <li>IRB Crew person Pre-learning online module</li> </ol> <ol start="2"> <li>This can be accessed via the member portal here: <a href="https://memberportal.surflifesaving.org.nz/">https://memberportal.surflifesaving.org.nz/</a> and you can log in by following these steps:  Once logged in, click in online learning, then EtrainU. you can self-enrol by clicking on “Training Library”, then into the “Lifesaving – Powercraft” Course Category, and click on the ‘IRB Crewperson Pre-learning’ “Enrol” button.</li> </ol> <p> </p> <p>Crewing skills</p> <ul> <li>IRB hull closedown </li> <li>Single person rescue </li> <li>Theory test </li> <li>IRB hull setup </li> </ul> <p><strong>Topics Covered</strong></p> <ol> <li>IRB hull </li> <li>IRB hull setup </li> <li>Fuel </li> <li>Crewperson skills </li> <li>IRB hull closedown </li> <li>Rescues </li> </ol> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>To register please fill in google form <a href="https://forms.gle/jFYUggPvLDGBPBP67" title="https://forms.gle/jFYUggPvLDGBPBP67">https://forms.gle/jFYUggPvLDGBPBP67</a></p> <p> </p> <p>Any other questions, contact me.</p> <p> </p> <p>Aimee</p> <p>aimee.leigh@surflifesaving.org.nz</p> <p>0274277068</p> <p> </p> Development


Course Overview

The IRB Crewpersons Module (IRBCM) is the starting point for education in the IRB. The IRBCM gives Surf Lifeguards the knowledge and skills required to respond as a crewperson in rescue situations utilising an IRB.

The IRBCM is a prerequisite for the Senior Lifeguard Award - IRB Driver.

Course Information 

Prerequisites: 14 years of age | Surf Lifeguard Award (Refreshed) |  Current member of a SLS club 
Duration: One day
Delivered by: Club instructors 
Who should complete it: Anyone interested in crewing an IRB 
Candidate requirements

  • Attend training day with the club instructor 
  • Successfully complete all components of the examination 

Online Pre-learning: There is an optional IRB Crew person online pre-learning module available. This consist of 1 module:

  1. IRB Crew person Pre-learning online module
  1. This can be accessed via the member portal here: https://memberportal.surflifesaving.org.nz/ and you can log in by following these steps:  Once logged in, click in online learning, then EtrainU. you can self-enrol by clicking on “Training Library”, then into the “Lifesaving – Powercraft” Course Category, and click on the ‘IRB Crewperson Pre-learning’ “Enrol” button.


Crewing skills

  • IRB hull closedown 
  • Single person rescue 
  • Theory test 
  • IRB hull setup 

Topics Covered

  1. IRB hull 
  2. IRB hull setup 
  3. Fuel 
  4. Crewperson skills 
  5. IRB hull closedown 
  6. Rescues 



To register please fill in google form https://forms.gle/jFYUggPvLDGBPBP67


Any other questions, contact me.


