Taranaki Crew Person Module
Event Details
Event Contact:
Aimee Leigh
Tel: 0274277068
Email: aimee.leigh@surflifesaving.org.nz
Course Overview
The IRB Crewpersons Module (IRBCM) is the starting point for education in the IRB. The IRBCM gives Surf Lifeguards the knowledge and skills required to respond as a crewperson in rescue situations utilising an IRB.
The IRBCM is a prerequisite for the Senior Lifeguard Award - IRB Driver.
Course Information
Prerequisites: 14 years of age | Surf Lifeguard Award (Refreshed) | Current member of a SLS club
Duration: One day
Delivered by: Club instructors
Who should complete it: Anyone interested in crewing an IRB
Candidate requirements:
- Attend training day with the club instructor
- Successfully complete all components of the examination
Online Pre-learning: There is an optional IRB Crew person online pre-learning module available. This consist of 1 module:
- IRB Crew person Pre-learning online module
- This can be accessed via the member portal here: https://memberportal.surflifesaving.org.nz/ and you can log in by following these steps: Once logged in, click in online learning, then EtrainU. you can self-enrol by clicking on “Training Library”, then into the “Lifesaving – Powercraft” Course Category, and click on the ‘IRB Crewperson Pre-learning’ “Enrol” button.
Crewing skills
- IRB hull closedown
- Single person rescue
- Theory test
- IRB hull setup
Topics Covered
- IRB hull
- IRB hull setup
- Fuel
- Crewperson skills
- IRB hull closedown
- Rescues
To register please fill in google form https://forms.gle/jFYUggPvLDGBPBP67
Any other questions, contact me.