HB Engine Workshop #1 - Waimarama and Ocean Beach Clubs
Event Details
Event Contact:
Sarnia Brewer
Tel: 027 677 2300
Email: sarnia.brewer@surflifesaving.org.nz
Where: Waimarama Surf Lifesaving Club
Programme: 10:00am to 3:30pm (bring your lunch). Learn basic maintenance and increase your knowledge on Mercury Surf Engines
Who should attend: All new IRB Drivers and those Drivers that have not previously attended this Workshop, plus the person responsible for Club Engine maintenance (previous attendees are also welcome).
Note: The intention of the Workshop is for the attendees to recognise when engine maintenance is required and to notify the Powered Craft Officer of this, rather than attempt to complete the work themselves without authority.
Workshop Instructor: David Hickey will deliver the Workshop.
Registration: Download Event Flyer here. (PDF)
Please register with Dave Hickey and let your Clubs know your availability.