Eastern Region Rookies Coordinators Season Briefing

Event Details

Tue 18 Oct 7:00PM
Eastern - Bay of Plenty

Event Contact:

Contact your Local Club Development Officer

<div class="m8h3af8h l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf">This event is recommended for all Club Rookie Coordinators to attend in addition to any members who help deliver the Rookie program in their clubs.</div> <div class="m8h3af8h l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf"></div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz">It will be held online on the link below and will give key information for the Rookie season including information about the Rookie Challenge.</div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"></div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz">If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch with your local Club Development Officer - Dominic, Robynne or Nick.</div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"></div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz">Eastern Region Rookies Coordinators Season Briefing<br />Tue, Oct 18, 2022 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (NZDT)</div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"></div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz">Microsoft Teams meeting</div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz">Join on your computer, mobile app or room device</div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"><a rel="nofollow noopener" tabindex="0" href="https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZTgxMzRhZmQtODgwMC00N2JjLTkwY2QtMjNlZGNhMzFlMmQ0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%22082ea227-5c92-4a60-a7ca-2b63155cd10c%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%224a539d7a-acba-4ea5-a50e-d048e2367f15%22%7D&amp;fbclid=IwAR1WtWg9RpleuOmYMxHj-xbtjoc0NzvPZmUhjE5tAaJw3X6dtc_0cri-1KY" target="_blank" class="qi72231t nu7423ey n3hqoq4p r86q59rh b3qcqh3k fq87ekyn bdao358l fsf7x5fv rse6dlih s5oniofx m8h3af8h l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk srn514ro oxkhqvkx rl78xhln nch0832m cr00lzj9 rn8ck1ys s3jn8y49 icdlwmnq cxfqmxzd ezidihy3">https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZTgxMzRhZmQtODgwMC00N2JjLTkwY2QtMjNlZGNhMzFlMmQ0%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22082ea227-5c92-4a60-a7ca-2b63155cd10c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224a539d7a-acba-4ea5-a50e-d048e2367f15%22%7d</a></div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"></div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"><strong>Coromandel Club Development Officer<br /></strong>Dominic Sutton - 021 190 1727<br />dominic.sutton@surflifesaving.org.nz</div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"></div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"><strong>Bay of Plenty Development Officer<br /></strong>Robynne Cabusao - 027 457 1019<br />robynne.cabusao@surflifesaving.org.nz</div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"></div> <div class="l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk gh25dzvf jikcssrz"><strong>Gisborne Club Development Officer<br /></strong>Nick Wagstaff - 027 901 7517<br />nick.wagstaff@surflifesaving.org.nz</div> Development


This event is recommended for all Club Rookie Coordinators to attend in addition to any members who help deliver the Rookie program in their clubs.
It will be held online on the link below and will give key information for the Rookie season including information about the Rookie Challenge.
If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch with your local Club Development Officer - Dominic, Robynne or Nick.
Eastern Region Rookies Coordinators Season Briefing
Tue, Oct 18, 2022 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (NZDT)
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Coromandel Club Development Officer
Dominic Sutton - 021 190 1727
Bay of Plenty Development Officer
Robynne Cabusao - 027 457 1019
Gisborne Club Development Officer
Nick Wagstaff - 027 901 7517