2022 Eastern Region Sport Symposium

Event Details

Sun 29 May 10:00AM
Eastern - Bay of Plenty

Event Contact:

Sonia Keepa

Email: sonia.keepa@surflifesaving.org.nz

<p>Eastern Region Members - Chairs, BOP/CORO &amp; Gisborne Local Sport Committee, Coaches, Sport Directors, Officials, Junior Surf Coordinators, Event Safety and Athletes are invited to attend the Eastern Region Sports Symposium.</p> <p>Bringing together the passion and energy of sports leaders, enablers and participants from across the Eastern Region to honor and respect tradition while we look to the future of sport in the ER.</p> <p>Date:             Saturday 19 March 2022</p> <p>Time:            10am – 3pm</p> <p>Venue:          Whakane SLSC, 7 Mair Street, Ohope</p> <p>RSVP:           sonia.keepa@surflifesaving.org.nz</p> <p> </p> <p>Key topics to give some thought to that are on the agenda for presentation and discussion;</p> <ol> <li>Sport in the ER <ol> <li>Past</li> <li>Present</li> <li>Future</li> </ol> </li> <li>Development Pathways <ol> <li>Athlete</li> <li>Coach</li> <li>Official</li> <li>Event Safety</li> </ol> </li> <li>SLSNZ ER Sport Event Calendar <ol> <li>Innovative Events</li> <li>Sport Calendar</li> </ol> </li> <li>Junior Surf <ol> <li>Ages and stages</li> <li>U8 – U10</li> <li>U11 – U14</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <p>Ops Circular information <a rel="noopener" href="/media/996201/2022-er-sports-symposium-ops-circular.pdf" target="_blank" title="2022 Eastern Region Sports Symposium">here</a></p> Sport


Eastern Region Members - Chairs, BOP/CORO & Gisborne Local Sport Committee, Coaches, Sport Directors, Officials, Junior Surf Coordinators, Event Safety and Athletes are invited to attend the Eastern Region Sports Symposium.

Bringing together the passion and energy of sports leaders, enablers and participants from across the Eastern Region to honor and respect tradition while we look to the future of sport in the ER.

Date:             Saturday 19 March 2022

Time:            10am – 3pm

Venue:          Whakane SLSC, 7 Mair Street, Ohope

RSVP:           sonia.keepa@surflifesaving.org.nz


Key topics to give some thought to that are on the agenda for presentation and discussion;

  1. Sport in the ER
    1. Past
    2. Present
    3. Future
  2. Development Pathways
    1. Athlete
    2. Coach
    3. Official
    4. Event Safety
  3. SLSNZ ER Sport Event Calendar
    1. Innovative Events
    2. Sport Calendar
  4. Junior Surf
    1. Ages and stages
    2. U8 – U10
    3. U11 – U14

Ops Circular information here