TSB New Zealand Surf Life Saving Championships
Event Details
Event Contact:
Mark Inglis
Tel: 027 457 1021
Email: mark.inglis@surflifesaving.org.nz
Event Overview
The 2021 TSB New Zealand Surf Life Saving Championships represents the pinnacle event of the season with 1500 athletes anticipated to attend the iconic event. From Masters who have lost track of the number of Nationals they have attended to 14 year olds experiencing the event for the first time, Nationals caters to all levels of participation and almost all aspects of Surf Life Saving. You will see New Zealand representatives, canoes, surf boat crews, surf swimmers, beach sprinters, ski and board paddlers all having a crack at being the next National Champion!
Returning to Ohope Beach in the sunny Eastern Bay of Plenty, we invite you to celebrate the very best of Surf Life Savers as our members compete for their friends and against their fellow athletes.
Event Programmes
- Indicative Nationals Programme - Sent to Club Administrators June 2020
- TSB Nationals Site Plan - (to be posted shortly) - pdf
Thursday (Masters):
- TSB Nationals Draft Programme - Masters - (pdf 868kb)
- TSB Nationals Draft Programme - (pdf 868kb)

Entry Information
Entries may be made using the SLSNZ Online Event Entry System. Your club has access to this system and will process your entries. Following the close of entry as detailed below entry fees will be invoiced directly to your club for payment prior to the competition.
Senior Entries Open: 10:00am, 10th January 2021
Senior Entries Close: 10:00am, Monday 1st March 2021
Senior Entry Fee: $115.00 per person | $10.00 per Substitute (inclusive of GST)
Masters Entries Open: 10:00am, 10th January 2021
Masters Entries Close: 10:00am, Wednesday 24th February 2021
Masters Entry Fee: $75.00 per person | $10.00 per Substitute (inclusive of GST)
Opens & Masters Duel Entry Fee: $140.00 per person
This document provides you with all the information you need to know in order to enter this event. While it contains the typical logistical information surrounding the event, it also incorporates very important details that an athlete, parent and/or guardian must be aware of before entering themselves or their child into this event.
- Entry Circular - (2,235 KB pdf)
Note: All updates to the entry circular are highlighted in Yellow for clarity.
This document provides you with all the information you need to know as an Official at the competition. While it contains the typical logistical information surrounding the event, it also incorporates very important details that an Official must be aware of before attending the event.
Please note that this circular should be read in conjunction with the Entry and Team Manager Circulars which outline further information Participants and Team Managers must be aware of prior to attending into the competition.
Officials Circular (to be posted shortly) - pdf
Note: All updates to the officials circular are highlighted in Yellow for clarity.
This document provides you with all the information you need to know as a Team Manager at the competition. While it contains the typical logistical information surrounding the event, it also incorporates very important details that a Team Manager must be aware of before attending the event.
Please note that this circular must be read in conjunction with the Entry Circular which outlines further information Team Managers must be aware of prior to entering any competitors into the competition.
Team Manager Circular (to be posted shortly) - pdf
Note: All updates to the entry circular are highlighted in Yellow for clarity.
Team Changes
Any team changes from those entered at the close of entries must be provided to the administration team prior to the start of an event. Any subsequent changes from this time will be considered under the 50% Rule Change.
- Team Change Form - pdf
- Team Change Form - docx
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions
All participants and officials with a pre-existing medical condition must complete and submit a Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Declaration form prior to the close of entries. These forms are to be submitted to the Event Manager (Mark Inglis) by email to mark.inglis@surflifesaving.org.nz . However, participants are encouraged to submit these as early as possible.
It is important to note that that a pre-existing medical condition includes a concussion event that has occurred prior to this event.
Once submitted, the forms will be reviewed by SLSNZ and a decision will be made on whether a Competitor Waiver form is required to be completed.

The draft Competition Safety Plan and Hazard Identification Appendices are available to download below. The document is also available for viewing in the Event Management Area during the event. The missing person at sea reflex tasking can be found in Appendix Two of the entry circular.
- Competition Safety Plan (To be confirmed) - pdf
- Hazard Identification Spreadsheet (To be confirmed) - pdf
- Procedures to be confirmed nearer to event.