Otago/Southland Pool Rescue Championships - CANCELLED
Event Details
Sun 23 Aug 7:30AM
Moana Pool, 60 Littlebourne Road, Roslyn, Dunedin, Southern - Otago
Event Contact:
Felix Cook
Tel: 021 022 08310
Email: felix.cook@surflifesaving.org.nz
Covid-19 Update: Due to New Zealand remaining at Alert Level 2 for two weeks, this event has been cancelled.
The Otago/Southland Pool Rescue Championships will be held at Moana Pool in Dunedin.
Members can only compete in one event once. e.g. an U19 female can do either the U19 50m with Fins or the Open 50m with Fins, not both.
For more information, please refer to the event circular.
Entries are to be completed via EnterNow, please contact your club admin for more info.