Wāhine on Water - Bay of Plenty Event
Event Details
Event Contact:
Phoebe Havill
Email: womeninsls@gmail.com
Our Vision:
To get more females involved, competent and confident in IRBs.
50% of Surf Lifeguards are female, yet only 28% of our IRB drivers are Female. This is something we are looking to address through pairing inexperienced lifeguards with an experienced Female IRB mentor. The intention of the networking day is to provide women more time in the boat in a supportive low stress environment.
This event is targeted at females from any club who would like to spend a fun day in an IRB learning tips on driving and crewing from some of the best Female IRB drivers in the Region.
Male Club IRB instructors are also welcome to accompany members from their club.
Registration Process:
All attendees are asked to please complete the survey monkey application - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WahineOnWater
Registrations Close 1 week out from the event
Day Plan:
8:30am - Pot Luck BBQ Breakfast
9:30am - Introductions , Setup of boats
10:30-4pm – IRB Skills and rides
2-3pm – Pack up IRBs
3pm onwards – Debrief
Topics Covered:
Candidates will be split dependent on skill level with the main focus of the day is to get time in the boat and discover your passion for IRBs.
What to Bring:
-Warm Clothes that can get oil on them.
-Plate for a potluck BBQ Breakfast Before hand
If there are more than 3 coming from your club, along with an experienced IRB Driver / Instructor from your club, please check with your Club Power Craft officer if you can bring your own boat.
Perhaps enter into the Bay of Plenty Long Haul the day before? then come along to this event to share tactics and training tips??
Contact:Wahine on Water Eastern Region Coordinator: Phoebe Havill ,
Club & Member Development Officer – Coromandel : Chaz Gibbons-Campbell 027 562 3337
Any feedback, or if you would like to host a Female IRB networking day at your club. Please contact the Wahine on Water team: womeninsls@gmail.com